Carpet maintenance and cleaning, life style

How to Remove 5 Annoying Stains from a Cream Carpet

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Are you also looking for a way to remove stains from your cream carpet? So this article is for you! It is very important to remove stains from cream carpets. Because these sorts of carpets show the stains clearly due to their bright color and can affect the overall appearance of the room. Stains on the cream carpet not only reduce the beauty and cleanliness of the environment, but if not cleaned on time, they may penetrate deep into the fibers and be difficult to remove.

Also, old stains can change the color of the carpet permanently. Therefore, the quick and effective removal of stains from the cream carpet not only helps to maintain the beauty and cleanliness of the environment, but also increases the useful life of the carpet. In this article, we are going to explain the important points of cleaning and clearing these carpets; So stay with us.

The importance of learning how to remove stains from cream carpet

Removing stains from cream carpet can be challenging, and there are common mistakes that can make things worse.One of these mistakes is using strong detergents that can change the color of the carpet or damage its texture. Also, rubbing the stain vigorously instead of cleaning it gently can cause the stain to spread and penetrate the carpet fibers more. Using hot water also tends to set stains and make them more difficult to remove.Any mistake in cleaning these carpets will cause damage and loss of the overall appearance of the carpet. Therefore, in the following, we will mention the golden tips to remove the stain from the cream carpet. So if you are eager to learn how to remove all kinds of stains from your light colored carpet, stay with us.

1- Removing protein stains from light colored carpet

Protein stains include blood stains or organic stains such as food , egg, broth, and drink stains. Even contaminated stains such as feces are considered protein stains. Cleaning such stains usually requires high precision.

To remove protein stains, you should mix a solution consisting of ingredients such as soap, salt and white vinegar with lukewarm water and clean the carpet with it. You can clean your carpet with a clean white cloth and the above solution.

2- Removing the tea stain on the cream colored carpet

decoration with gray carpet

Tea is one of the most common liquids spill on our carpets. Removing tea stains from cream carpets requires more precision than other carpets.

In general, there are several ways to remove tea stains on a cream-colored carpet. For example, white vinegar is one of the materials that you can use to clean tea stains from your carpet.

  • How to clean tea stains with white vinegar:

    For this purpose, the desired solution is prepared by mixing two cups of white vinegar with four cups of water. Pour the solution into the spray bottle and shake the bottle. Then spray it on the  desired stain. Wait for the solution to stay on the stain for ten minutes. Clean the stain soaked in vinegar solution with a cloth. At the end, wash the desired spot by spraying clean water and then dry it with a clean white cloth.

  • Cleaning tea stains with salt:

    To clean the stain with this method, you need salt, a clean white cloth and cold water. If the stain is new, you should first remove the tea residue from the carpet. Then pour a thick layer of salt on the stain. Because salt absorbs and removes moisture from the stain. The salt should stay on the stain for half an hour. Then vacuum the salt. At the end, you can clean the residue stain with a white cloth soaked in cold water.

3- Removing fruit and vegetable juice stain from the carpet

Many families with young children face this problem. If you also face this problem, just spray a soft drink like Son Up (because it is colorless) on the stain. Then, using a clean microfiber cloth, wipe the desired spot.

4- Removing the candle stain from the carpet

Before starting any action, you must first remove the candle from the carpet using the tip of a knife. Then remove the pieces completely from the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. In the next step, clean the candle stains from your carpet by using the white vinegar solution that we mentioned in the previous section.

5- What should we do to remove cosmetics stain from the carpet?

This problem is also one of the common cases that everyone has experienced, Especially for bedroom carpet.

To clean the lipstick stain, if the stain is not large and deep, you can make a very dilute solution of water, carpet shampoo and powder. Then, with the help of a brush, apply the solution on the stain until it is completely removed. It should be mentioned that if the stain is extensive or severe, it is better to seek help from carpet cleaning service centers.

decoration with gray carpet

To clean eyeliner and mascara stains, you should also use oil stain removers. For example, soap is one of the best materials for cleaning this types of stains. You can rub a bar of soap over the stain to remove it completely. You can also use a solution of powder, baking soda and water to clean the mascara stain.

Of course, if your cream colored carpet or other light colored carpets have been faced this problem, it is better before any action to seek help from carpet cleaning centers to maintain the appearance and quality of the carpet.


In this article, we have tried to teach you how to remove stains from cream carpet. It is necessary to mention that before starting the stain removal process, first get enough information about the material and type of fibers of your carpet. The methods mentioned in this article are mostly for removing the stain from the cream machine _made carpet. You can contact the experts in this field to learn about stain removal from handwoven carpets.

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